Here are the combat logs and final map from my second run at the convoy raid. The Klingon heavy cruiser was doing fine until, at halfway across the map (based on a 50/50 chance dice roll) a Fed heavy cruiser showed up. The Klingon had already taken a bit of damage from the four freighters, and the long range and fire-every-turn phasers of the Fed CA overwhelmed it. I think the two heavy cruisers would have been pretty evenly matched without the damage done by four freighters with defensive phasers, and the shuttle played a big part in combat. It should be easy to adapt shuttle rules for fighters, and the carrier can then truly enter the picture. I'm also thinking of coming back to multilevel play, using convoys and carriers to establish line of sight and project power, with a carrier battle group on a sector-sized map (of, say, one major system and four or five smaller systems, and maybe an asteroid field or nebula as an obstacle). In fact, that could play into the storyline with a carrier battle group being assigned to clear a hostile corridor, or protect a base being established in border territory. The important thing is to balance the combat play with the storyline.
Just a note on the combat logs. It all looks a bit crazy, but it's all about movement, position, target, range, and dice roll. They take the place of a computer program by precisely mapping out and tracking the activity of everything on the map. I'd simplify it, but I think that precision, and the game itself would suffer at that point. I actually don't think that there is anything in the combat log that isn't self-explanatory. Ritta, would you mind looking through them and raising any questions? If you want. You don't have to. It's just that I'm afraid that it just makes sense to me because I made it up.... Thanks :)
A) Roll [9]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [1,1/Speed1]/[Target/Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
B) Roll [4]
B) Reaction Movement/Position [ 1,3 /Speed 1]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
B) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
B) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
C) Roll [11]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 3,3 /Speed 1]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
D) Roll [12]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 3,1 /Speed 1]/[Target /Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
E) Roll [2]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [ 1,17 /Speed 3]/[Target /Dest ,B ]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
Damage to A:
Damage to B:
Damage to C:
Damage to D:
Damage to E:
A) Roll [13]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 2,1 /Speed]/[Target/Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
B) Roll [10]
B) Reaction Movement/Position [ 2,3 /Speed ]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
B) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [10(5)ECM/]
B) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
C) Roll [10]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 4,3 /Speed ]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
D) Roll [14]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 4,1 /Speed ]/[Target /Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
E) Roll [10]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [ 1,14 /Speed3 ]/[Target B]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [8(4)ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [ / Launch shuttle x(1,14)]
Damage to A:
Damage to B:
Damage to C:
Damage to D:
Damage to E:
A) Roll [10]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 3,1 /Speed1]/[Target/Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
B) Roll [10]
B) Reaction Movement/Position [ 3,3 /Speed1]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
B) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [5ECM/10(5)ECM]
B) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
C) Roll [11]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 5,3 /Speed1 ]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
D) Roll [14]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 5,1 /Speed1 ]/[Target B/Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
E) Roll [5]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [ 1,11 /Speed 3]/[Target B/Range 9 ]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [4ECCM/2(1)ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [dis missed/pho hit 5(X2)/shuttle x(1,12)speed2]
Damage to A:
Damage to B: 5/15 star shields
Damage to C:
Damage to D:
Damage to E:
A) Roll [7]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 4,1 /Speed 1]/[Target/Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
B) Roll [8]
B) Reaction Movement/Position [ 4,3 /Speed 1]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
B) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM 8(4)]
B) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
C) Roll [12]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 6,3 /Speed 1]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
D) Roll [5]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 6,1 /Speed ]/[Target /Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
E) Roll [8]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [ 1,8 /Speed 3]/[Target B/Range 6 ]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECCM 6(3)]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [shuttle x(1,10)speed2]
Damage to A:
Damage to B: 5/15 star shield
Damage to C:
Damage to D:
Damage to E:
A) Roll [12]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 5,1 /Speed 1]/[Target/Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
B) Roll [14]
B) Reaction Movement/Position [ 5,3 /Speed 1]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
B) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [4ECM/14(7) ECM]
B) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
C) Roll [13]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 7,3 /Speed 1]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
D) Roll [11]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 7,1 /Speed 1]/[Target /Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
E) Roll [8]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [ 1,5 /Speed 3]/[Target B /Range 5]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [3ECCM/6(3)ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [pho2(X4)shuttlex(1,8)speed2]
Damage to A:
Damage to B: 8/15 star shield
Damage to C:
Damage to D:
Damage to E:
A) Roll [10]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 6,1 /Speed1]/[Target/Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
B) Roll [7]
B) Reaction Movement/Position [ 6,3 /Speed ]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
B) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [7(3)ECM/ECCM]
B) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
C) Roll [12]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 8,3 /Speed ]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
D) Roll [10]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 8,1 /Speed ]/[Target /Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
E) Roll [8]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [2,3 /Speed 3]/[Target B /Range 4]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [dis3(x4)shuttlex(1,6)speed2 def. Phas 5(x.5)]
Damage to A:
Damage to B: 11/15 aft shields 8/15 aft shields
Damage to C:
Damage to D:
Damage to E:
A) Roll [14]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 7,1 /Speed1]/[Target E range 2/Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas 1(x3)]
B) Roll [14]
B) Reaction Movement/Position [ 7,3 /Speed ]/[Target E range 2/Dest 21,3 ]
B) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [13(6)ECM/ECCM]
B) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas 2(x3)]
C) Roll [8]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 9,3 /Speed ]/[Target E range 4/Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas 6(x1)]
D) Roll [11]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 9,1 /Speed ]/[Target E range 4/Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas 3(x1)]
E) Roll [7]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [5,3 /Speed 3]/[Target B /Range 3]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [6(3)ECM/ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [pho 8(x5)shuttlex(1,6)speed2 def phas (1x1)]
Damage to A:
Damage to B: 29 pts 15/15 aft shields 8/15 aft shields 2/2 aft hull Freighter B destroyed
Damage to C:
Damage to D:
Damage to E: 6/27 port shields 9/28 fore shields
A) Roll [8]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 8,1 /Speed1]/[Target E range /Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [6(3)ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (2x3)E Port]
C) Roll [10]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 10,3 /Speed ]/[Target E range /Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [8(4)ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (1x3) E Forward]
D) Roll [7]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 10,1 /Speed ]/[Target E range /Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [6(3)ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (1x3)E Forward]
E) Roll [12]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [7,3 /Speed 3]/[Target /Range ]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [6(3)Renforce Forward/6(3)Reinforce Port]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [(x)shuttlex(4,4)speed2 def phas (1x4)A Aft]
Damage to A: 4/15 Aft shields
Damage to C:
Damage to D:
Damage to E: 9/27 port shields 12/28 fore shields
A) Roll [8]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 9,1 /Speed1]/[Target E range 4 /Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [6(3)ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (4x1)E Port]
C) Roll [5]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 11,3 /Speed ]/[Target E range 2 /Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [4(2)ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (1x3) E Forward]
D) Roll [5]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 11,1 /Speed ]/[Target E range 4/Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [4(2)ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (6x1)E Port]
E) Roll [9]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [10,5 /Speed 3]/[Target C Starboard/Range 4]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce8(4) Port/ECM/ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [photon(4x4)shuttlex(6,4)speed2 target A Aft range 3 def phas (2x2)]
Damage to A: 1/15 Aft shields
Damage to C: 14/15 Starboard shields
Damage to D:
Damage to E: 18/27 port shields 12/28 fore shields
A) Roll [10]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 10,1 /Speed1]/[Target E range 5/Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [()ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (6x.5) 3 E Port ]
C) Roll [12]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 12,3 /Speed ]/[Target E range 3/Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [()ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (3x2) 6 E Port]
D) Roll [9]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 12,1 /Speed ]/[Target E range 5/Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [()ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (1x.5) 0 E Port]
E) Roll [7]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [13,5 /Speed 2]/[Target C Starboard/Range 3]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce /ECM6(3)/ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [(dis6x8)shuttlex(8,6)speed2 target C Aft range 4 def phas (4x)]
Damage to A: 1/15 Aft shields
Damage to C: Destroyed
Damage to D:
Damage to E: 24/27 port shields 12/28 fore shields
A) Roll [5]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 11,1 /Speed1]/[Target Shuttle x range3 /Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [4(2)ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (6x2) ]
D) Roll [10]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 13,1 /Speed 1]/[Target E Aft range 2/Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [8(4)ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (4x3)]
E) Roll [5]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [15,3 /Speed ]/[Target D Fore/Range 2]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce /ECM4(2)/ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [photon(6x2)shuttlex(10,4)speed2 target A range3 def phas (4x2)]
F) Roll [5]
F) Reaction Movement/Position [1,12 /Speed 5]/[Target /Range ]
F) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce /ECM()/ECCM]
F) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [(x)shuttlez(,)speed target range (x)]
Damage to A: 1/15 Aft shields
Damage to x: 12/15
Damage to D: 8/15 Fore shields
Damage to E: 24/27 port shields 12/28 fore shields 10/21 Aft shields
Damage to F:
A) Roll [5]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 12,1 /Speed1]/[Target Shuttle x range 1/Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [4(2)ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (4x4) ]
D) Roll [5]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 14,1 /Speed1]/[Target E Aft range3 /Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [()ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (5x2)]
E) Roll [7]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [17,1 /Speed ]/[Target D Fore/Range ]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce /ECM6(3)/ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [(x)shuttlex(12,2)speed2 target A starboard range 1 def phas (6x4)]
F) Roll [10]
F) Reaction Movement/Position [6,7 /Speed 5]/[Target shuttlex/Range6 ]
F) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce /ECM8(4)/ECCM]
F) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [(2x4)shuttlez(,)speed target range (x)]
Damage to A: 1/15 Aft shields 15/15 starboard shields 1/1 starboard hull 2/2 warp 1/1 impulse 2/2 sensors 1/1 bridge
Damage to x: destroyed
Damage to D: 8/15 Fore shields
Damage to E: 24/27 port shields 12/28 fore shields 17/21 Aft shields
Damage to F:
A) Roll [5]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 12,1 /Speed1]/[Target range /Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [()ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (x)]
D) Roll [5]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 15,1 /Speed1]/[Target E Aft range 4/Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [4(2)ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (6x1)]
E) Roll [8]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [19,4 /Speed ]/[Target D Fore/Range 4 ]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce starboard 6(3)/ECM()/ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [dis (6x4)photons(6x4)Launch shuttle y19,5]
F) Roll [10]
F) Reaction Movement/Position [6,7 /Speed 5]/[Target E starboard/Range 8 ]
F) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce /ECM()/ECCM]
F) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [phasers (9x2)/photons(6x2)shuttlez(,)speed target range (x)]
Damage to A: 1/15 Aft shields 15/15 starboard shields 1/1 starboard hull 2/2 warp 1/1 impulse 2/2 sensors 1/1 bridge
Damage to D: destroyed
Damage to E: 24/27 port shields 12/28 fore shields 21/21 Aft shields 2/2 aft hull 23/27 starboard shields
Damage to F:
A) Roll []
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 12,1 /Speed1]/[Target range /Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [()ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (x)]
E) Roll [10]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [, /Speed 3]/[Target D Fore/Range ]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce Fore 10(5)/ECM()/ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [ (x)photons(x)shuttle y19,4 speed 2 target F fore defensive phasers (6x2)]
F) Roll [9]
F) Reaction Movement/Position [16,2 /Speed 5]/[Target E Fore/Range 5 ]
F) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce /ECM()/ECCM]
F) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [phasers (9x5)/photons(x) launch shuttlez 16,2 speed 2 target shuttle y range 3 (1x2)]
Damage to A: 1/15 Aft shields 15.15 starboard shields 1/1 starboard hull 2/2 warp 1/1 impulse 2/2 sensors 1/1 bridge
Damage to E: 24/27 port shields 28/28 fore shields 21/21 Aft shields 2/2 aft hull 23/27 starboard shields 4/4 fore hull 2/2 fire control 1/1 bridge 1/1 aux bridge 3/4 Armor 2/2 Cloak 1/2 Disruptors 1/1 sensors 2/2 Impulse 2/2 Shuttle Bays 4/4 batteries 4/4 warp 1/2 photons
Damage to F: 12/21 Fore shields
Damage to y: 2/15
Damage to z:
Convoy successfully disrupted, with loss of three out of four freighters. Attacking ship self-destructed to avoid capture. Enemy shuttle captured.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
How Much Star Trek Can You Handle?
Fantasy Trek. Not Just a Game. It's a Star Trek Experience
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Summary of Events Stardate 0109.28
Summary of Events
Stardate 0109.28
TNG Era:
The diplomatic mission of Ambassador Endara Khan is currently stationary in the Oblissa system, on board the USS Exeter, and escorted by a Kazon-Ogla Predator Class warship. Kazon-Ogla First Maje Jabin, onboard the warship is assisting the Ambassador in reaching out to Kazon-Oglamar forces in adjacent systems. While there is a long history of mistrust and enmity between the Kazon sects, Ambassador Khan is confident that the shared origins and history of the Kazon will provide the basis for unity, and that a united Kazon people can be a strong partner for the Federation in the volatile Delta Quadrant.
The USS Guadalcanal arrived in Oshionian Six and reports detecting no ships in the area. Captain Murphy has ordered a thorough survey of the planet.
Admiral Nogulich, commanding Starbase Lighthouse in the Durandal system, is hosting a Vulcan diplomatic delegation. The Admiral refused to confirm or deny speculation that the delegation was the first step in an effort to defuse the diplomatic crisis with the Klingon Empire.
The Heavy Cruiser USS Arizona reports evidence that four Woden Class freighters, including the SS Antares were destroyed in the Archanis sector. Examination of hull fragments indicate that Klingon photon torpedoes and packet disruptors were used. The Arizona is remaining on station to attempt to track the attacking vessel or vessels.
There has been no communications from the IKV Sword of Kahless, dispatched to investigate the disappearance of the IKS LIng'taH and dIng'patlh.
TOS Era:
The USS Xerxes destroyed a Klingon privateer ship and a G'Koon Class frigate in the Beta Lankal system. There have been no further communications reported from the Xerxes. It is due to reach the Pheben system in less than a day, and cross into Federation space the next day.
Command College
"What Are Your Orders, Captain?"
"Happenstance" Resolution
The next system standing between Captain Lionidas and the USS Xerxes, Beta Lankal has no defense platform, but it also has no convenient solar radiation shadow. What it does have is a large number of private and pseudo-private craft using the system to conduct unofficial, and according to Klingon leadership, unsanctioned activity. One such vessel, a privateer roughly equivalent to a Klingon G'K'oon Class frigate, immediately attacks the Xerxes with phaser-type beam weapons. The Xerxes, with its superior weaponry and shields easily defeats the privateer, but not before an indecipherable signal is transmitted. This time Captain Lionidas knows that his passage has been reported. He doesn't doubt that the privateer alerted Klingon forces to the presence of a Federation starship, and he has no qualms about leaving escape pods adrift. However, just before he can warp out of the system, two G'K'oon Class frigates appear from two different directions. Realizing that help could not have shown up that quickly, Captain Lionidas nonetheless has a serious fight on his hands this time, and his choice is a simple tactical challenge. The Xerxes has been fitted with an experimental plasma torpedo launcher that has just one drawback. The weapon draws so much energy in a single overwhelming attack that the Xerxes will be nearly helpless for several minutes before it can launch another. So while it may be preferable to:
A: lead one enemy away from the other in order to take on one ship at a time, this strategy leaves the other ship free to outflank the Xerxes or escape to bring in reinforcements. The other alternative:
B: engaging both ships simultaneously keeps both ships occupied, but risks the Xerxes being overwhelmed by superior forces.
Captain Lionidas decided to maximize his ship's strength while minimizing its weakness. He knew that the experimental plasma torpedo launcher could easily overwhelm the defenses of a single frigate while leaving him vulnerable to attack from the second frigate. He used a combination of light phaser attacks and hit and run tactics to lure one ship into a high-speed pursuit. Once both ships were out of range of the second frigate, he destroyed his opponent. By the time the surviving frigate had caught up, the Xerxes was able to warp out of the area.
The USS Xerxes has almost completed its dangerous passage through Klingon space. But first it must face a deadly challenge in the Pheben system. Another privateer attacked as soon as the Xerxes dropped out of warp, and was just as easily dealt with as the last. But as it exploded, a massive energy well appeared, preventing the Xerxes from going to warp. Sensors showed that the privateer had been using an experimental artificial singularity that could be responsible for the gravity well. This would not be outside the realm of possibility for a private vessel that uses technology from a multitude of sources and governments. But this time, a Klingon D-7 Class Heavy Cruiser appeared almost immediately. Captain Lionidas has no choice but to attack the D-7 and warp away to safety. The question facing him is whether or not the privateer with the artificial singularity drive was sent in his path as a deliberate sacrifice in order to hold him in the Pheben system. If it was, then he expects a larger task force to follow him to the Archer system, which already shows signs of trouble with the Klingons. If that is the case, he'll need to change course and lead the enemy away from the beleaguered outpost. If, on the other hand, the privateer was not a pawn sent by the Klingons, then he must get to Archer as quickly as possible. Assuming he can destroy the D-7 battlecruiser, Captain Lionidas has to make a decision without waiting to see who, if anyone, shows up next. He must either:
A: Distract any pursuit by setting course for the nearby binary Narendra system. If there is a task force on his trail, he might be able to elude them in the radiation shadow between the two stars. If there isn't, he'll take an extra day to get to Archer, where every second may cost lives Or...
B: Take a chance that the encounter in the Pheben system was a coincidence (which is possible), and go directly to Archer, which went silent several weeks ago.
In either case, Captain Lionidas must assume that the Klingons know he is headed for Archer. He can only hope to retain some element of surprise by anticipating the Klingons' moves and staying one jump ahead of them.
(Moderator's Note: There are no predetermined right or wrong answers. The most popular solution will give the players who chose it a "Command College Point". Ten of those equal an experience point.)
Choose A or B, or a third course of action, and write a brief explanation
Captain's Log
(From last week)
"There are only five of them left."
(As before, I rolled for a random planetary mission. Below are the planetary classification and random planetary mission I got. Then you'll see my creative solution)
Class R Rogue
Age: 2-10 billion years
Diameter: 4,000-15,000 km
Location: Interstellar space, cometary halos
Surface: May be temperate due to geothermal venting
Atmosphere: Primarily volcanic outgassing
Life forms: Non-photosynthetic plants, animal life
Example: Dakala
14) Members of the crew start to act very strangely when you enter orbit.
(TNG era)
"There are only five of them left."
"Thank goodness," Captain Murphy sighed. "Adjust orbital track for optimum beaming." Then he tapped the log record button on the arm of his command chair. "The USS Guadalcanal encountered a rogue planet, classified as X3AA by Starfleet Stellar Cartography, in the Sarpeidon Nebula, and entered a standard orbit. That was the last time standard came into the equation. As soon as readings started to come in, a dozen random crewmembers began to exhibit paranoid tendencies. Before we had a chance to restrain them they had assembled in four different transporter rooms and beamed down to the planet. Four security squads beamed down to the four locations, only to find that our people had attached themselves to biomechanical devices built into the surface of the planet. At the time, it was impossible to assess the potential danger posed to our people by removing them, so we beamed down a science team and scanned the interior of the planet. We found that the planet was actually a biomechanical device itself." Murphy paused, reflecting on the wonder of a planet-sized creature.
"The planet had been controlled at four equidistant points, by biological components who interacted on a psychic level to coordinate the navigation of the planet. Unfortunately, some element within the Sarpeidon nebula must have proven deadly to those navigation lifeforms, and the planet lost its navigation system. We believe that the planet then somehow reached out mental fingertips and found us. After our people had been connected for several hours, the science teams discovered that new indigenous lifeforms had developed to take over navigational duty, and our people were disconnected without harm. Now it's just a matter of beaming them back up. Pause log recording. Report, lieutenant."
"That's the last of them, Captain."
"And the planet?"
"It seems to making a controlled course change."
"Thank you. Resume recording. Rogue planet X3AA has grown itself a new set of navigators, and we are happy to resume our course."
For Next Week:
"There's only one way to know for sure."
(Expand the following into a log entry of at least 100 words. Members post answers to the yahoogroup or the 'comment' feature on the blogsite. Lurkers feel free to leave comments on the blogsite)
How Much Star Trek Can You Handle?
Fantasy Trek. Not Just a Game. It's a Star Trek Experience
Stardate 0109.28
TNG Era:
The diplomatic mission of Ambassador Endara Khan is currently stationary in the Oblissa system, on board the USS Exeter, and escorted by a Kazon-Ogla Predator Class warship. Kazon-Ogla First Maje Jabin, onboard the warship is assisting the Ambassador in reaching out to Kazon-Oglamar forces in adjacent systems. While there is a long history of mistrust and enmity between the Kazon sects, Ambassador Khan is confident that the shared origins and history of the Kazon will provide the basis for unity, and that a united Kazon people can be a strong partner for the Federation in the volatile Delta Quadrant.
The USS Guadalcanal arrived in Oshionian Six and reports detecting no ships in the area. Captain Murphy has ordered a thorough survey of the planet.
Admiral Nogulich, commanding Starbase Lighthouse in the Durandal system, is hosting a Vulcan diplomatic delegation. The Admiral refused to confirm or deny speculation that the delegation was the first step in an effort to defuse the diplomatic crisis with the Klingon Empire.
The Heavy Cruiser USS Arizona reports evidence that four Woden Class freighters, including the SS Antares were destroyed in the Archanis sector. Examination of hull fragments indicate that Klingon photon torpedoes and packet disruptors were used. The Arizona is remaining on station to attempt to track the attacking vessel or vessels.
There has been no communications from the IKV Sword of Kahless, dispatched to investigate the disappearance of the IKS LIng'taH and dIng'patlh.
TOS Era:
The USS Xerxes destroyed a Klingon privateer ship and a G'Koon Class frigate in the Beta Lankal system. There have been no further communications reported from the Xerxes. It is due to reach the Pheben system in less than a day, and cross into Federation space the next day.
Command College
"What Are Your Orders, Captain?"
"Happenstance" Resolution
The next system standing between Captain Lionidas and the USS Xerxes, Beta Lankal has no defense platform, but it also has no convenient solar radiation shadow. What it does have is a large number of private and pseudo-private craft using the system to conduct unofficial, and according to Klingon leadership, unsanctioned activity. One such vessel, a privateer roughly equivalent to a Klingon G'K'oon Class frigate, immediately attacks the Xerxes with phaser-type beam weapons. The Xerxes, with its superior weaponry and shields easily defeats the privateer, but not before an indecipherable signal is transmitted. This time Captain Lionidas knows that his passage has been reported. He doesn't doubt that the privateer alerted Klingon forces to the presence of a Federation starship, and he has no qualms about leaving escape pods adrift. However, just before he can warp out of the system, two G'K'oon Class frigates appear from two different directions. Realizing that help could not have shown up that quickly, Captain Lionidas nonetheless has a serious fight on his hands this time, and his choice is a simple tactical challenge. The Xerxes has been fitted with an experimental plasma torpedo launcher that has just one drawback. The weapon draws so much energy in a single overwhelming attack that the Xerxes will be nearly helpless for several minutes before it can launch another. So while it may be preferable to:
A: lead one enemy away from the other in order to take on one ship at a time, this strategy leaves the other ship free to outflank the Xerxes or escape to bring in reinforcements. The other alternative:
B: engaging both ships simultaneously keeps both ships occupied, but risks the Xerxes being overwhelmed by superior forces.
Captain Lionidas decided to maximize his ship's strength while minimizing its weakness. He knew that the experimental plasma torpedo launcher could easily overwhelm the defenses of a single frigate while leaving him vulnerable to attack from the second frigate. He used a combination of light phaser attacks and hit and run tactics to lure one ship into a high-speed pursuit. Once both ships were out of range of the second frigate, he destroyed his opponent. By the time the surviving frigate had caught up, the Xerxes was able to warp out of the area.
The USS Xerxes has almost completed its dangerous passage through Klingon space. But first it must face a deadly challenge in the Pheben system. Another privateer attacked as soon as the Xerxes dropped out of warp, and was just as easily dealt with as the last. But as it exploded, a massive energy well appeared, preventing the Xerxes from going to warp. Sensors showed that the privateer had been using an experimental artificial singularity that could be responsible for the gravity well. This would not be outside the realm of possibility for a private vessel that uses technology from a multitude of sources and governments. But this time, a Klingon D-7 Class Heavy Cruiser appeared almost immediately. Captain Lionidas has no choice but to attack the D-7 and warp away to safety. The question facing him is whether or not the privateer with the artificial singularity drive was sent in his path as a deliberate sacrifice in order to hold him in the Pheben system. If it was, then he expects a larger task force to follow him to the Archer system, which already shows signs of trouble with the Klingons. If that is the case, he'll need to change course and lead the enemy away from the beleaguered outpost. If, on the other hand, the privateer was not a pawn sent by the Klingons, then he must get to Archer as quickly as possible. Assuming he can destroy the D-7 battlecruiser, Captain Lionidas has to make a decision without waiting to see who, if anyone, shows up next. He must either:
A: Distract any pursuit by setting course for the nearby binary Narendra system. If there is a task force on his trail, he might be able to elude them in the radiation shadow between the two stars. If there isn't, he'll take an extra day to get to Archer, where every second may cost lives Or...
B: Take a chance that the encounter in the Pheben system was a coincidence (which is possible), and go directly to Archer, which went silent several weeks ago.
In either case, Captain Lionidas must assume that the Klingons know he is headed for Archer. He can only hope to retain some element of surprise by anticipating the Klingons' moves and staying one jump ahead of them.
(Moderator's Note: There are no predetermined right or wrong answers. The most popular solution will give the players who chose it a "Command College Point". Ten of those equal an experience point.)
Choose A or B, or a third course of action, and write a brief explanation
Captain's Log
(From last week)
"There are only five of them left."
(As before, I rolled for a random planetary mission. Below are the planetary classification and random planetary mission I got. Then you'll see my creative solution)
Class R Rogue
Age: 2-10 billion years
Diameter: 4,000-15,000 km
Location: Interstellar space, cometary halos
Surface: May be temperate due to geothermal venting
Atmosphere: Primarily volcanic outgassing
Life forms: Non-photosynthetic plants, animal life
Example: Dakala
14) Members of the crew start to act very strangely when you enter orbit.
(TNG era)
"There are only five of them left."
"Thank goodness," Captain Murphy sighed. "Adjust orbital track for optimum beaming." Then he tapped the log record button on the arm of his command chair. "The USS Guadalcanal encountered a rogue planet, classified as X3AA by Starfleet Stellar Cartography, in the Sarpeidon Nebula, and entered a standard orbit. That was the last time standard came into the equation. As soon as readings started to come in, a dozen random crewmembers began to exhibit paranoid tendencies. Before we had a chance to restrain them they had assembled in four different transporter rooms and beamed down to the planet. Four security squads beamed down to the four locations, only to find that our people had attached themselves to biomechanical devices built into the surface of the planet. At the time, it was impossible to assess the potential danger posed to our people by removing them, so we beamed down a science team and scanned the interior of the planet. We found that the planet was actually a biomechanical device itself." Murphy paused, reflecting on the wonder of a planet-sized creature.
"The planet had been controlled at four equidistant points, by biological components who interacted on a psychic level to coordinate the navigation of the planet. Unfortunately, some element within the Sarpeidon nebula must have proven deadly to those navigation lifeforms, and the planet lost its navigation system. We believe that the planet then somehow reached out mental fingertips and found us. After our people had been connected for several hours, the science teams discovered that new indigenous lifeforms had developed to take over navigational duty, and our people were disconnected without harm. Now it's just a matter of beaming them back up. Pause log recording. Report, lieutenant."
"That's the last of them, Captain."
"And the planet?"
"It seems to making a controlled course change."
"Thank you. Resume recording. Rogue planet X3AA has grown itself a new set of navigators, and we are happy to resume our course."
For Next Week:
"There's only one way to know for sure."
(Expand the following into a log entry of at least 100 words. Members post answers to the yahoogroup or the 'comment' feature on the blogsite. Lurkers feel free to leave comments on the blogsite)
How Much Star Trek Can You Handle?
Fantasy Trek. Not Just a Game. It's a Star Trek Experience
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Summary of Events Stardate 0109.20
Summary of Events
Stardate 0109.20
TNG Era:
The USS Exeter, carrying Federation Ambassador Endara Khan and escorted by a Kazon-Ogla Predator Class Warship arrived in the Oblissa system, the first of Voyager's charted waypoints. Several Talaxian commercial ships made polite inquiries as well as offers of trade that the Exeter declined. Captain Reggie Farrell's report noted the assistance rendered by Talaxians according to the Voyager's logs, but she also took into account the mutual antipathy between the Talaxians and the Kazon in choosing to decline trade and assistance from the Talaxians. No other ships were encountered during the journey, and Ambassador Khan was able to spend most of her time in consultation with First Maje Jabin. She reports a good understanding and working relationship.
The USS Guadalcanal reports it is less than a day away from Oshionian Six. Long range scans show no ships detected on its course, although Captain Murphy notes that they would not detect a cloaked vessel at that range.
Starbase Lighthouse, monitoring the artificial wormhole in the Durandal system, has detected no passage of unauthorized ships through the wormhole. Admiral Nogulich reports a dramatic decrease in private and commercial traffic.
No further communications have been received from the Archanis sector following the apparent destruction of the Woden Class freighter SS Antares. The Heavy Cruiser USS Arizona has been dispatched to investigate.
The IKV Sword of Kahless has been ordered to investigate the disappearance of the IKS LIng'taH, as well as the IKS dIng'patlh
TOS Era:
The USS Xerxes encountered a privateer vessel in the Klingon Beta Lankal system. The vessel made no attempt to communicate with the Xerxes, but opened fire with beam/energy weapons immediately. The Xerxes defeated the privateer, but was then attacked by two Klingon G'K'oon Class frigates.
Command College
"What Are Your Orders, Captain?"
"Detected?" Resolution
Upon entering the binary Mempa system, sensors on the USS Xerxes detected a defense platform emerging from the radiation zone between the two stars. Another lightning-fast decision is thrust upon Captain Lionidas. He cannot know that the defense platform didn't detect their arrival and automatically report them. It's sensors may have been obscured by the radiation, but they can't afford to stay long enough to scan the platform. They can either:
A: Destroy the platform immediately. If they destroy it, the Klingons will know someone has been there. Whether or not the Klingons will know who destroyed it will remain a mystery. The other choice is to:
B: Quickly jump back into warp and hope that the platform didn't detect them. If the platform detected them, they can expect pursuit. If it didn't, they might get away clean.
Captain Lionidas decided that the risk presented by destroying the platform was greater. Quickly warping out of the system presented the only possibility of leaving the system completely undetected. While intense solar radiation made it impossible to scan the platform, no transmissions were detected while the Xerxes was in system. If the platform did detect the Xerxes and report it, pursuit would result quickly.
The next system standing between Captain Lionidas and the USS Xerxes, Beta Lankal has no defense platform, but it also has no convenient solar radiation shadow. What it does have is a large number of private and pseudo-private craft using the system to conduct unofficial, and according to Klingon leadership, unsanctioned activity. One such vessel, a privateer roughly equivalent to a Klingon G'K'oon Class frigate, immediately attacks the Xerxes with phaser-type beam weapons. The Xerxes, with its superior weaponry and shields easily defeats the privateer, but not before an indecipherable signal is transmitted. This time Captain Lionidas knows that his passage has been reported. He doesn't doubt that the privateer alerted Klingon forces to the presence of a Federation starship, and he has no qualms about leaving escape pods adrift. However, just before he can warp out of the system, two G'K'oon Class frigates appear from two different directions. Realizing that help could not have shown up that quickly, Captain Lionidas nonetheless has a serious fight on his hands this time, and his choice is a simple tactical challenge. The Xerxes has been fitted with an experimental plasma torpedo launcher that has just one drawback. The weapon draws so much energy in a single overwhelming attack that the Xerxes will be nearly helpless for several minutes before it can launch another. So while it may be preferable to:
A: lead one enemy away from the other in order to take on one ship at a time, this strategy leaves the other ship free to outflank the Xerxes or escape to bring in reinforcements. The other alternative:
B: engaging both ships simultaneously keeps both ships occupied, but risks the Xerxes being overwhelmed by superior forces.
(Moderator's Note: There are no predetermined right or wrong answers. The most popular solution will give the players who chose it a "Command College Point". Ten of those equal an experience point.)
Choose A or B, or a third course of action, and write a brief explanation
Captain's Log
(From last week)
"Whatever it is, contact in six seconds."
(Again, I rolled for a random planetary mission. It handed me an interesting challenge. Below are the planetary classification and random planetary mission I got. Then you'll see my creative solution)
Class I Gas Supergiant
Age: 2-10 billion years
Diameter: 140,000-10 million km
Location: Cold Zone
Surface: Tenuous, comprised of gaseous hydrogen and hydrogen compounds; radiates heat
Atmosphere: Zones vary in temperature, pressure and composition; water vapor may be present
Life forms: Unknown
Example: Q'tahL
10) You encounter an incredibly advanced civilization (optionally, there might be a primitive society existing side by side with them).
(TOS era)
USS Star League, NCC 2101. Commodore Stewart recording. What began as a simple planetary survey of a gas supergiant in the Epsilon Aenar system has turned into a unique rescue operation. The survey ship USS Maine was mapping the Epsilon Aenar system when an impulse manifold blew, dropping the ship into a perilous orbit around the gaseous seventh planet in the system. The survey ship was still relatively safe until a chance meteor passed by and struck the damaged ship. From that point, the immense gravitational pull began to draw the ship down. A distress signal was received by a nearby Starfleet Monitor Station and retransmitted to Starbase 16. The Star League was docked at Starbase 16, receiving crew transfers and computer upgrades, and left immediately for Epsilon Aenar.
Upon arrival, we located the Maine's flight recorder spinning in an unstable orbit, as well as debris indicating that the ship had been slowly pulled apart by the tremendous gravitational forces exerted by the Class I gas supergiant. After beaming the recorder aboard, we scanned its exterior, which showed signs of actually coming up through the atmosphere. Intensive scans of the planet's thick atmosphere revealed a wake left behind the recorder as a chemical rocket blasted it upward, confirming the scans. Furthermore, the flight recorder seemed to indicate that a large part of the ship, including the bridge and engineering survived to penetrate the outer atmosphere and gaseous hydrogen surface. The voice of Captain Holden can be heard clearly as the ship passed through the surface, stating "Whatever it is, contact in six seconds." Sensor scans from the Maine at that point were sketchy, but seemed to read a large energy source in their path. At this point the Maine's propulsion systems were inoperative. It was in a slow-motion freefall. At that point, the flight recorder was ejected. Since that happened, almost twenty-four hours ago, there have been no matter/antimatter explosions beneath the surface of the planet, leading me to believe that the Maine still may be intact down there. I see no choice but to attempt a rescue. Fortunately, the Star League is a Mark X Federation Class Dreadnought. This is the kind of mission that this ship was built for.
Captain's Log, Supplemental Entry: Captain of Engineering Brahms transferred surplus warp power into forward shields and the structural integrity field to bring us through the atmosphere of Epsilon Aenar VII. At two kilometers above the surface, our sensors detected an energetic plasma field in place below the surface. Gas supergiants can be strange things, but an energetic plasma field does not naturally occur within the body of one. There was no doubt that the field is what Captain Holden was talking about when he said "Whatever it is, contact in six seconds." We pushed the Star League through the gaseous surface, and at three kilometers below the surfacd, found the saucer and engineering hull of the Maine intact, and contained within a second field. Scans showed 36 lifeforms on board out of a crew complement of 87. We were unable to communicate through the plasma field, but we did detect a life force existing in the plasma field. It wouldn't be the first energy-beings ever discovered, but as far as I know, it's the first found living inside a gas giant. Within seconds, the field enveloping the Maine had grown to surround us as well, and we found ourselves being pulled back through the atmosphere and into space. Moments later, the plasma field had plunged back into the soupy planet without communicating with us.
We are obviously happy that there were survivors from the Maine, and it is always a bonus to meet an intriguing new lifeform. But I will admit to being humbled. These energetic plasma lifeforms were quite capable of rescuing the Maine without our help, and in fact they picked up the massive Star League and pushed it into orbit without apparent difficulty. It is disquieting to discover that what we call a dreadnought doesn't impress every creature that it encounters.
For Next Week:
(Expand the following into a log entry of at least 100 words. Members post answers to the yahoogroup or the 'comment' feature on the blogsite. Lurkers feel free to leave comments on the blogsite)
"There are only five of them left."
How Much Star Trek Can You Handle?
Fantasy Trek. Not Just a Game. It's a Star Trek Experience
Stardate 0109.20
TNG Era:
The USS Exeter, carrying Federation Ambassador Endara Khan and escorted by a Kazon-Ogla Predator Class Warship arrived in the Oblissa system, the first of Voyager's charted waypoints. Several Talaxian commercial ships made polite inquiries as well as offers of trade that the Exeter declined. Captain Reggie Farrell's report noted the assistance rendered by Talaxians according to the Voyager's logs, but she also took into account the mutual antipathy between the Talaxians and the Kazon in choosing to decline trade and assistance from the Talaxians. No other ships were encountered during the journey, and Ambassador Khan was able to spend most of her time in consultation with First Maje Jabin. She reports a good understanding and working relationship.
The USS Guadalcanal reports it is less than a day away from Oshionian Six. Long range scans show no ships detected on its course, although Captain Murphy notes that they would not detect a cloaked vessel at that range.
Starbase Lighthouse, monitoring the artificial wormhole in the Durandal system, has detected no passage of unauthorized ships through the wormhole. Admiral Nogulich reports a dramatic decrease in private and commercial traffic.
No further communications have been received from the Archanis sector following the apparent destruction of the Woden Class freighter SS Antares. The Heavy Cruiser USS Arizona has been dispatched to investigate.
The IKV Sword of Kahless has been ordered to investigate the disappearance of the IKS LIng'taH, as well as the IKS dIng'patlh
TOS Era:
The USS Xerxes encountered a privateer vessel in the Klingon Beta Lankal system. The vessel made no attempt to communicate with the Xerxes, but opened fire with beam/energy weapons immediately. The Xerxes defeated the privateer, but was then attacked by two Klingon G'K'oon Class frigates.
Command College
"What Are Your Orders, Captain?"
"Detected?" Resolution
Upon entering the binary Mempa system, sensors on the USS Xerxes detected a defense platform emerging from the radiation zone between the two stars. Another lightning-fast decision is thrust upon Captain Lionidas. He cannot know that the defense platform didn't detect their arrival and automatically report them. It's sensors may have been obscured by the radiation, but they can't afford to stay long enough to scan the platform. They can either:
A: Destroy the platform immediately. If they destroy it, the Klingons will know someone has been there. Whether or not the Klingons will know who destroyed it will remain a mystery. The other choice is to:
B: Quickly jump back into warp and hope that the platform didn't detect them. If the platform detected them, they can expect pursuit. If it didn't, they might get away clean.
Captain Lionidas decided that the risk presented by destroying the platform was greater. Quickly warping out of the system presented the only possibility of leaving the system completely undetected. While intense solar radiation made it impossible to scan the platform, no transmissions were detected while the Xerxes was in system. If the platform did detect the Xerxes and report it, pursuit would result quickly.
The next system standing between Captain Lionidas and the USS Xerxes, Beta Lankal has no defense platform, but it also has no convenient solar radiation shadow. What it does have is a large number of private and pseudo-private craft using the system to conduct unofficial, and according to Klingon leadership, unsanctioned activity. One such vessel, a privateer roughly equivalent to a Klingon G'K'oon Class frigate, immediately attacks the Xerxes with phaser-type beam weapons. The Xerxes, with its superior weaponry and shields easily defeats the privateer, but not before an indecipherable signal is transmitted. This time Captain Lionidas knows that his passage has been reported. He doesn't doubt that the privateer alerted Klingon forces to the presence of a Federation starship, and he has no qualms about leaving escape pods adrift. However, just before he can warp out of the system, two G'K'oon Class frigates appear from two different directions. Realizing that help could not have shown up that quickly, Captain Lionidas nonetheless has a serious fight on his hands this time, and his choice is a simple tactical challenge. The Xerxes has been fitted with an experimental plasma torpedo launcher that has just one drawback. The weapon draws so much energy in a single overwhelming attack that the Xerxes will be nearly helpless for several minutes before it can launch another. So while it may be preferable to:
A: lead one enemy away from the other in order to take on one ship at a time, this strategy leaves the other ship free to outflank the Xerxes or escape to bring in reinforcements. The other alternative:
B: engaging both ships simultaneously keeps both ships occupied, but risks the Xerxes being overwhelmed by superior forces.
(Moderator's Note: There are no predetermined right or wrong answers. The most popular solution will give the players who chose it a "Command College Point". Ten of those equal an experience point.)
Choose A or B, or a third course of action, and write a brief explanation
Captain's Log
(From last week)
"Whatever it is, contact in six seconds."
(Again, I rolled for a random planetary mission. It handed me an interesting challenge. Below are the planetary classification and random planetary mission I got. Then you'll see my creative solution)
Class I Gas Supergiant
Age: 2-10 billion years
Diameter: 140,000-10 million km
Location: Cold Zone
Surface: Tenuous, comprised of gaseous hydrogen and hydrogen compounds; radiates heat
Atmosphere: Zones vary in temperature, pressure and composition; water vapor may be present
Life forms: Unknown
Example: Q'tahL
10) You encounter an incredibly advanced civilization (optionally, there might be a primitive society existing side by side with them).
(TOS era)
USS Star League, NCC 2101. Commodore Stewart recording. What began as a simple planetary survey of a gas supergiant in the Epsilon Aenar system has turned into a unique rescue operation. The survey ship USS Maine was mapping the Epsilon Aenar system when an impulse manifold blew, dropping the ship into a perilous orbit around the gaseous seventh planet in the system. The survey ship was still relatively safe until a chance meteor passed by and struck the damaged ship. From that point, the immense gravitational pull began to draw the ship down. A distress signal was received by a nearby Starfleet Monitor Station and retransmitted to Starbase 16. The Star League was docked at Starbase 16, receiving crew transfers and computer upgrades, and left immediately for Epsilon Aenar.
Upon arrival, we located the Maine's flight recorder spinning in an unstable orbit, as well as debris indicating that the ship had been slowly pulled apart by the tremendous gravitational forces exerted by the Class I gas supergiant. After beaming the recorder aboard, we scanned its exterior, which showed signs of actually coming up through the atmosphere. Intensive scans of the planet's thick atmosphere revealed a wake left behind the recorder as a chemical rocket blasted it upward, confirming the scans. Furthermore, the flight recorder seemed to indicate that a large part of the ship, including the bridge and engineering survived to penetrate the outer atmosphere and gaseous hydrogen surface. The voice of Captain Holden can be heard clearly as the ship passed through the surface, stating "Whatever it is, contact in six seconds." Sensor scans from the Maine at that point were sketchy, but seemed to read a large energy source in their path. At this point the Maine's propulsion systems were inoperative. It was in a slow-motion freefall. At that point, the flight recorder was ejected. Since that happened, almost twenty-four hours ago, there have been no matter/antimatter explosions beneath the surface of the planet, leading me to believe that the Maine still may be intact down there. I see no choice but to attempt a rescue. Fortunately, the Star League is a Mark X Federation Class Dreadnought. This is the kind of mission that this ship was built for.
Captain's Log, Supplemental Entry: Captain of Engineering Brahms transferred surplus warp power into forward shields and the structural integrity field to bring us through the atmosphere of Epsilon Aenar VII. At two kilometers above the surface, our sensors detected an energetic plasma field in place below the surface. Gas supergiants can be strange things, but an energetic plasma field does not naturally occur within the body of one. There was no doubt that the field is what Captain Holden was talking about when he said "Whatever it is, contact in six seconds." We pushed the Star League through the gaseous surface, and at three kilometers below the surfacd, found the saucer and engineering hull of the Maine intact, and contained within a second field. Scans showed 36 lifeforms on board out of a crew complement of 87. We were unable to communicate through the plasma field, but we did detect a life force existing in the plasma field. It wouldn't be the first energy-beings ever discovered, but as far as I know, it's the first found living inside a gas giant. Within seconds, the field enveloping the Maine had grown to surround us as well, and we found ourselves being pulled back through the atmosphere and into space. Moments later, the plasma field had plunged back into the soupy planet without communicating with us.
We are obviously happy that there were survivors from the Maine, and it is always a bonus to meet an intriguing new lifeform. But I will admit to being humbled. These energetic plasma lifeforms were quite capable of rescuing the Maine without our help, and in fact they picked up the massive Star League and pushed it into orbit without apparent difficulty. It is disquieting to discover that what we call a dreadnought doesn't impress every creature that it encounters.
For Next Week:
(Expand the following into a log entry of at least 100 words. Members post answers to the yahoogroup or the 'comment' feature on the blogsite. Lurkers feel free to leave comments on the blogsite)
"There are only five of them left."
How Much Star Trek Can You Handle?
Fantasy Trek. Not Just a Game. It's a Star Trek Experience
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Summary of Events Stardate 0109.14
Summary of Events
Stardate 0109.14
TNG Era:
The USS Exeter has left the Ocampa homeworld, setting course for Kazon-Oglamar space. It is a journey that can take several weeks. Accompanying the Exeter is a Predator Class Kazon Warship. Due to the length of the journey, and the lack of detailed starcharts for the region, the Exeter will follow waypoints established by USS Voyager, and add to the few locations already known. Ambassador Endara Khan will attempt to begin negotiations between the Federation, Ogla, and Oglamar parties, despite the potential risk.
The USS Guadalcanal is due to arrive at Oshionian Six in three days where it will resume its investigation of artificial planets as well as possible Romulan involvement.
An automated distress signal, coming from the Archanis sector, signalled the imminent destruction of a Woden Class freighter, the SS Antares. There was no indication of the attacker, but based on the location, speculation points to Klingon forces.
There are no further reports of secret meetings between Federation and Klingon envoys.
TOS Era:
USS Xerxes reports that it has resumed course for the Archer system, but a warp imbalance forced it to drop to sublight in the Mempa system.
Command College
"What Are Your Orders, Captain?"
"Forward or Back?" Resolution
Considering the imposition of the Organian Peace Treaty, and the unpredictability of its effect on his ship, Captain Lionidas has been given a great deal of latitude regarding the ongoing status of his mission. The colony in the Archer system has yet to be heard from, and despite assurances from the Organians, Starfleet is still concerned that the Klingons could be occupying it. The Xerxes has been given this simple choice:
A: Continue on to Archer, risking a greater concentration of Klingon forces but with the advantage of already having crossed deeply into Klingon space, or:
B: Return to Federation space while the peace holds and the ship can travel in relative safely. A larger ship would be assigned to make the perilous trip to Archer. This might also allow for a diplomatic effort that could resolve the situation without further risk of hostilities.
Captain Lionidas doesn't have to think too long. The journey through Klingon space will take four days, but it was preferable to spending two days going back, just to force another starship make the same perilous journey. And aside from that, Captain Lionidas was not the kind of officer to pass on a dangerous job to someone else.
(Moderator's Note: There are no predetermined right or wrong answers. The most popular solution will give the players who chose it a "Command College Point". Ten of those equal an experience point.)
Upon entering the binary Mempa system, sensors on the USS Xerxes detected a defense platform emerging from the radiation zone between the two stars. Another lightning-fast decision is thrust upon Captain Lionidas. He cannot know that the defense platform didn't detect their arrival and automatically report them. It's sensors may have been obscured by the radiation, but they can't afford to stay long enough to scan the platform. They can either:
A: Destroy the platform immediately. If they destroy it, the Klingons will know someone has been there. Whether or not the Klingons will know who destroyed it will remain a mystery. The other choice is to:
B: Quickly jump back into warp and hope that the platform didn't detect them. If the platform detected them, they can expect pursuit. If it didn't, they might get away clean.
Choose A or B, or a third course of action, and write a brief explanation
Captain's Log
(From last week)
"We're hoping the log will provide some answers"
(Note: I decided to make things a little more interesting this week by incorporating the random planetary mission exercise into the 'Captain's Log' portion of the Command College. A 4d6 roll gave the planetary classification of:
Class N Reducing
Age: 3-10 billion years
Diameter: 10,000-15,000 km
Location: Ecosphere
Surface: High surface temperarure due to greenhouse effect; water exists only as vapor
Atmosphere: Extremely dense, carbon dioxide and sulfides
Life forms: Unknown
Example: Venus
A 3d6 roll gave me this random planetary mission:
15) The landing party finds itself back (seemingly) on it's homeworld. (Earth, Qo'noS, or whatever). But according to sensors on the ship, they're still where they were before.
This is what I wrote for it:
(Remember, the statement I had to expand on was: "We're hoping the log will provide some answers")
(ENT era)
"Captain's Starlog. October Fifth, 2166. Challenger, NX-07. Captain Sam Carpenter in command. While investigating an uncharted planet in the Hekaras system, we were surprised to discover a planet that presented us with a series of inexplicable mysteries. Upon achieving orbit, we noted the planet's strong resemblance to the planet Venus, including a high surface temperarure due to greenhouse effect; water existing only as vapor, and an extremely dense atmosphere, consisting mainly of carbon dioxide and sulfides. That wasn't too surprising, considering its proximity to the local sun. But we received an automated signal using Morse code. This warranted suiting up in environmental suits and investigating in a shuttlepod. Upon landing on the planet, we found circumstances that quite frankly didn't match what we detected from orbit. Surface scans showed an abundance of water and terrestrial plant and animal life, as well as perfectly breathable air. Further investigation, including a high-altitude fly-over revealed a pattern of continents exactly matching those on Earth. None of us recall any such dramatic change during the descent to the surface, and the shuttlepod's sensor logs seem to be unreadable.
A scan of the pollution content in the atmosphere, as well as an examination of star positions after nightfall seemed to indicate that we were on Earth in our present time, despite the absence of any humanoid habitation or technology. We found no evidence of artificial satellites or lunar colonies that should be abundant. For all intents and purposes, we were alone, on Earth on the date October Fifth, 2166, while Challenger remained in orbit still scanning a planet much like Venus, along with the lifesigns of everyone in the landing party. As for the source of the Morse Code signal, we found no device capable of sending such a signal, nor evidence that it had ever been there. The only anomalous reading was what my science officer tells me is a chroniton signature. Time travel. In any case, we returned to Challenger, leaving behind what still appears to be a planet indistinguishable from Venus, with an automated Morse Code signal still transmitting. The sensor log from the shuttle has been uploaded to the main computer for analysis. We're hoping the log will provide some answers.
For Next Week:
(Expand the following into a log entry of at least 100 words. Members post answers to the yahoogroup or the 'comment' feature on the blogsite. Lurkers feel free to leave comments on the blogsite)
"Whatever it is, contact in six seconds."
What is Fantasy Trek?
Not Just a Game. It's a Star Trek Experience
Stardate 0109.14
TNG Era:
The USS Exeter has left the Ocampa homeworld, setting course for Kazon-Oglamar space. It is a journey that can take several weeks. Accompanying the Exeter is a Predator Class Kazon Warship. Due to the length of the journey, and the lack of detailed starcharts for the region, the Exeter will follow waypoints established by USS Voyager, and add to the few locations already known. Ambassador Endara Khan will attempt to begin negotiations between the Federation, Ogla, and Oglamar parties, despite the potential risk.
The USS Guadalcanal is due to arrive at Oshionian Six in three days where it will resume its investigation of artificial planets as well as possible Romulan involvement.
An automated distress signal, coming from the Archanis sector, signalled the imminent destruction of a Woden Class freighter, the SS Antares. There was no indication of the attacker, but based on the location, speculation points to Klingon forces.
There are no further reports of secret meetings between Federation and Klingon envoys.
TOS Era:
USS Xerxes reports that it has resumed course for the Archer system, but a warp imbalance forced it to drop to sublight in the Mempa system.
Command College
"What Are Your Orders, Captain?"
"Forward or Back?" Resolution
Considering the imposition of the Organian Peace Treaty, and the unpredictability of its effect on his ship, Captain Lionidas has been given a great deal of latitude regarding the ongoing status of his mission. The colony in the Archer system has yet to be heard from, and despite assurances from the Organians, Starfleet is still concerned that the Klingons could be occupying it. The Xerxes has been given this simple choice:
A: Continue on to Archer, risking a greater concentration of Klingon forces but with the advantage of already having crossed deeply into Klingon space, or:
B: Return to Federation space while the peace holds and the ship can travel in relative safely. A larger ship would be assigned to make the perilous trip to Archer. This might also allow for a diplomatic effort that could resolve the situation without further risk of hostilities.
Captain Lionidas doesn't have to think too long. The journey through Klingon space will take four days, but it was preferable to spending two days going back, just to force another starship make the same perilous journey. And aside from that, Captain Lionidas was not the kind of officer to pass on a dangerous job to someone else.
(Moderator's Note: There are no predetermined right or wrong answers. The most popular solution will give the players who chose it a "Command College Point". Ten of those equal an experience point.)
Upon entering the binary Mempa system, sensors on the USS Xerxes detected a defense platform emerging from the radiation zone between the two stars. Another lightning-fast decision is thrust upon Captain Lionidas. He cannot know that the defense platform didn't detect their arrival and automatically report them. It's sensors may have been obscured by the radiation, but they can't afford to stay long enough to scan the platform. They can either:
A: Destroy the platform immediately. If they destroy it, the Klingons will know someone has been there. Whether or not the Klingons will know who destroyed it will remain a mystery. The other choice is to:
B: Quickly jump back into warp and hope that the platform didn't detect them. If the platform detected them, they can expect pursuit. If it didn't, they might get away clean.
Choose A or B, or a third course of action, and write a brief explanation
Captain's Log
(From last week)
"We're hoping the log will provide some answers"
(Note: I decided to make things a little more interesting this week by incorporating the random planetary mission exercise into the 'Captain's Log' portion of the Command College. A 4d6 roll gave the planetary classification of:
Class N Reducing
Age: 3-10 billion years
Diameter: 10,000-15,000 km
Location: Ecosphere
Surface: High surface temperarure due to greenhouse effect; water exists only as vapor
Atmosphere: Extremely dense, carbon dioxide and sulfides
Life forms: Unknown
Example: Venus
A 3d6 roll gave me this random planetary mission:
15) The landing party finds itself back (seemingly) on it's homeworld. (Earth, Qo'noS, or whatever). But according to sensors on the ship, they're still where they were before.
This is what I wrote for it:
(Remember, the statement I had to expand on was: "We're hoping the log will provide some answers")
(ENT era)
"Captain's Starlog. October Fifth, 2166. Challenger, NX-07. Captain Sam Carpenter in command. While investigating an uncharted planet in the Hekaras system, we were surprised to discover a planet that presented us with a series of inexplicable mysteries. Upon achieving orbit, we noted the planet's strong resemblance to the planet Venus, including a high surface temperarure due to greenhouse effect; water existing only as vapor, and an extremely dense atmosphere, consisting mainly of carbon dioxide and sulfides. That wasn't too surprising, considering its proximity to the local sun. But we received an automated signal using Morse code. This warranted suiting up in environmental suits and investigating in a shuttlepod. Upon landing on the planet, we found circumstances that quite frankly didn't match what we detected from orbit. Surface scans showed an abundance of water and terrestrial plant and animal life, as well as perfectly breathable air. Further investigation, including a high-altitude fly-over revealed a pattern of continents exactly matching those on Earth. None of us recall any such dramatic change during the descent to the surface, and the shuttlepod's sensor logs seem to be unreadable.
A scan of the pollution content in the atmosphere, as well as an examination of star positions after nightfall seemed to indicate that we were on Earth in our present time, despite the absence of any humanoid habitation or technology. We found no evidence of artificial satellites or lunar colonies that should be abundant. For all intents and purposes, we were alone, on Earth on the date October Fifth, 2166, while Challenger remained in orbit still scanning a planet much like Venus, along with the lifesigns of everyone in the landing party. As for the source of the Morse Code signal, we found no device capable of sending such a signal, nor evidence that it had ever been there. The only anomalous reading was what my science officer tells me is a chroniton signature. Time travel. In any case, we returned to Challenger, leaving behind what still appears to be a planet indistinguishable from Venus, with an automated Morse Code signal still transmitting. The sensor log from the shuttle has been uploaded to the main computer for analysis. We're hoping the log will provide some answers.
For Next Week:
(Expand the following into a log entry of at least 100 words. Members post answers to the yahoogroup or the 'comment' feature on the blogsite. Lurkers feel free to leave comments on the blogsite)
"Whatever it is, contact in six seconds."
What is Fantasy Trek?
Not Just a Game. It's a Star Trek Experience
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Summary of Events Stardate 0109.04
Summary of Events
Stardate 0109.04
TNG Era:
Ambassador Endara Khan reports that negotiations with the Kazon Ogla Sect continue to go well, but she admits to being concerned about the next step in her diplomatic initiative. Geographically, the Kazon Oglamar and Kazon Relora are closest to the Kazon Ogla, and the different sects are bitter rivals. That rivalry was intensified when, in late 2372, a peace conference organized by the Starship Voyager and a race known as the Trabe turned out to be trap set by the Trabe. The attempt served to further divide the Kazon sects. First Maje Jabin is reportedly skeptical about chances for an alliance. The delicate diplomatic task will no doubt be affected by the presence of the USS Exeter.
In the meantime, the USS Guadalcanal has set course to return to Oshionian Six, the site of its battle with the RIS Praex, to investigate strange discoveries in the region. It is expected to arrive on-site within the next week.
There have been so far no direct reprecussions from the destruction of a reportedly rogue Klingon Vorcha class battlecruiser during an unprovoked attack on a Federation convoy, and there have been no further reports of clashes between Federation and Klingon forces. There are unconfirmed reports that a Klingon special envoy is preparing to meet with a highly-placed Federation diplomat at an undisclosed location. Federation and Klingon sources have refused to comment on the reports. Independent reports from behind Klingon lines continue to hint at widespread pirate activity in Klingon frontiers as well as political infighting in the High Council. Starfleet monitor stations adjacent to the Romulan neutral zone show a continued decrease in all normal comm traffic from within Romulan space.
TOS Era:
After a long silence, the USS Xerxes reports that it became stranded in the Morska Sector for more than a week following the imposition of the Organian Peace Treaty. After its systems finally came back on line, it traveled to the Rura Penthe system, where it encountered a derelict Klingon battlecruiser. Scans showed that the ship was adrift, with systems damaged and faint life signs. While acknowledging the potential diplomatic advantage of attempting to rescue the Klingons, Captain Lionidas reasoned that the chance of precipitating a conflict by beaming over was too great, given the combat profile of his fast (penetration) class cruiser and the volatile nature of the stranded and untrusting Klingons.
Klingon Defense Force officials report the apparent disappearance of the battlecruiser LIng'taH.
Command College
What Are Your Orders, Captain?
"Crippled Enemy" Resolution:
In the mid twenty-third century, the Fast (Penetration) Cruiser USS Xerxes found itself behind Klingon lines and cut off. When hostilities broke out between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, centering around the planet Organia, the Xerxes was ordered to cross Klingon territory to reinforce the outpost in the Archer system. Days later, when opposing fleets were immobilized and a peace treaty imposed, the Xerxes was cut off. Trapped and alone in the remote Rura Penthe system, the Xerxes comes upon a derelict Klingon warship. Scans indicate that the crew is alive, but systems are failing. Captain Lionidas sees two obvious choices. He can either:
A: Trust in the imposed terms of the Organian Peace Treaty and beam over. If his engineers can repair the warship's failing systems, it could help to strengthen the peace. Or he can...
B: Take advantage of the warship's distress to escape the area and either proceed to Archer or return to base.
Captain Lionidas determined that the potential risk of a Federation combat vessel boarding a distressed Klingon warship in a remote location in Klingon space, days after the imposition of an unwanted peace treaty was too great, considering the likelihood of a rescue ship on the way and the possibility of more Klingon ships arriving on the scene before the Xerxes could withdraw.
(Moderator's Note: There are no predetermined right or wrong answers. The most popular solution will give the players who chose it a "Command College Point". Ten of those equal an experience point. Think of it as a correspondence course while onboard ship.)
"Forward or Back?"
Considering the imposition of the Organian Peace Treaty, and the unpredictability of its effect on his ship, Captain Lionidas has been given a great deal of latitude regarding the ongoing status of his mission. The colony in the Archer system has yet to be heard from, and despite assurances from the Organians, Starfleet is still concerned that the Klingons could be occupying it. The Xerxes has been given this simple choice:
A: Continue on to Archer, risking a greater concentration of Klingon forces but with the advantage of already having crossed deeply into Klingon space, or:
B: Return to Federation space while the peace holds and the ship can travel in relative safely. A larger ship would be assigned to make the perilous trip to Archer. This might also allow for a diplomatic effort that could resolve the situation without further risk of hostilities.
Choose A or B, or a third course of action and write a brief explanation.
"Captain's Log"
(From Last Week)
"This is the first time that such a weapon had been used by such a ship."
(TOS era)
"Warship Log. IKS Goltlh'. Captain K'vak recording. I am recording this message in the hope of relaying vital intelligence to the Empire. Our assault on the new Excelsior Class heavy battlecruiser has ended disastrously. I can only hope that our honorable combat will earn us berths on a ship in the Black Fleet. We crossed over into a poorly defended section of the Federation border in order to test reports that the hated, interfering Organians have truly disappeared, and approached the massive ship under cloak. We followed standard procedures and made our first attack at point blank range. The monster's shields turned away our first volley, and we withdrew at maximum speed. Phaser fire and photon torpedoes almost disabled us, but I chose to make another pass at the Excelsior before considering withdrawing. Before we could recloak at a safe range, however, the heavy battlecruiser launched a plasma torpedo that smashed through our shields and began to buckle our hull. Before they went out, our sensors determined that the torpedo originated from Gorn technology. This is the first time that such a weapon had been used by such a ship, and hints at an alliance between the reptiles and the Federation. If this is true, we face a grave threat. I can only hope that this warning reaches Imperial Intelligence in time to do some good. Our ship is losing hull integrity, and I have just seconds to send this transmission. Repeating. Warship Log. IKS Goltlh'. Captain K'vak recording. I am--"
(Expand the following into a log entry of at least 100 words. Members post answers to the yahoogroup or the 'comment' feature on the blogsite. Lurkers feel free to leave comments on the blogsite)
"We're hoping the log will provide some answers"
What is Fantasy Trek?
Not Just a Game. It's a Star Trek Experience
Stardate 0109.04
TNG Era:
Ambassador Endara Khan reports that negotiations with the Kazon Ogla Sect continue to go well, but she admits to being concerned about the next step in her diplomatic initiative. Geographically, the Kazon Oglamar and Kazon Relora are closest to the Kazon Ogla, and the different sects are bitter rivals. That rivalry was intensified when, in late 2372, a peace conference organized by the Starship Voyager and a race known as the Trabe turned out to be trap set by the Trabe. The attempt served to further divide the Kazon sects. First Maje Jabin is reportedly skeptical about chances for an alliance. The delicate diplomatic task will no doubt be affected by the presence of the USS Exeter.
In the meantime, the USS Guadalcanal has set course to return to Oshionian Six, the site of its battle with the RIS Praex, to investigate strange discoveries in the region. It is expected to arrive on-site within the next week.
There have been so far no direct reprecussions from the destruction of a reportedly rogue Klingon Vorcha class battlecruiser during an unprovoked attack on a Federation convoy, and there have been no further reports of clashes between Federation and Klingon forces. There are unconfirmed reports that a Klingon special envoy is preparing to meet with a highly-placed Federation diplomat at an undisclosed location. Federation and Klingon sources have refused to comment on the reports. Independent reports from behind Klingon lines continue to hint at widespread pirate activity in Klingon frontiers as well as political infighting in the High Council. Starfleet monitor stations adjacent to the Romulan neutral zone show a continued decrease in all normal comm traffic from within Romulan space.
TOS Era:
After a long silence, the USS Xerxes reports that it became stranded in the Morska Sector for more than a week following the imposition of the Organian Peace Treaty. After its systems finally came back on line, it traveled to the Rura Penthe system, where it encountered a derelict Klingon battlecruiser. Scans showed that the ship was adrift, with systems damaged and faint life signs. While acknowledging the potential diplomatic advantage of attempting to rescue the Klingons, Captain Lionidas reasoned that the chance of precipitating a conflict by beaming over was too great, given the combat profile of his fast (penetration) class cruiser and the volatile nature of the stranded and untrusting Klingons.
Klingon Defense Force officials report the apparent disappearance of the battlecruiser LIng'taH.
Command College
What Are Your Orders, Captain?
"Crippled Enemy" Resolution:
In the mid twenty-third century, the Fast (Penetration) Cruiser USS Xerxes found itself behind Klingon lines and cut off. When hostilities broke out between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, centering around the planet Organia, the Xerxes was ordered to cross Klingon territory to reinforce the outpost in the Archer system. Days later, when opposing fleets were immobilized and a peace treaty imposed, the Xerxes was cut off. Trapped and alone in the remote Rura Penthe system, the Xerxes comes upon a derelict Klingon warship. Scans indicate that the crew is alive, but systems are failing. Captain Lionidas sees two obvious choices. He can either:
A: Trust in the imposed terms of the Organian Peace Treaty and beam over. If his engineers can repair the warship's failing systems, it could help to strengthen the peace. Or he can...
B: Take advantage of the warship's distress to escape the area and either proceed to Archer or return to base.
Captain Lionidas determined that the potential risk of a Federation combat vessel boarding a distressed Klingon warship in a remote location in Klingon space, days after the imposition of an unwanted peace treaty was too great, considering the likelihood of a rescue ship on the way and the possibility of more Klingon ships arriving on the scene before the Xerxes could withdraw.
(Moderator's Note: There are no predetermined right or wrong answers. The most popular solution will give the players who chose it a "Command College Point". Ten of those equal an experience point. Think of it as a correspondence course while onboard ship.)
"Forward or Back?"
Considering the imposition of the Organian Peace Treaty, and the unpredictability of its effect on his ship, Captain Lionidas has been given a great deal of latitude regarding the ongoing status of his mission. The colony in the Archer system has yet to be heard from, and despite assurances from the Organians, Starfleet is still concerned that the Klingons could be occupying it. The Xerxes has been given this simple choice:
A: Continue on to Archer, risking a greater concentration of Klingon forces but with the advantage of already having crossed deeply into Klingon space, or:
B: Return to Federation space while the peace holds and the ship can travel in relative safely. A larger ship would be assigned to make the perilous trip to Archer. This might also allow for a diplomatic effort that could resolve the situation without further risk of hostilities.
Choose A or B, or a third course of action and write a brief explanation.
"Captain's Log"
(From Last Week)
"This is the first time that such a weapon had been used by such a ship."
(TOS era)
"Warship Log. IKS Goltlh'. Captain K'vak recording. I am recording this message in the hope of relaying vital intelligence to the Empire. Our assault on the new Excelsior Class heavy battlecruiser has ended disastrously. I can only hope that our honorable combat will earn us berths on a ship in the Black Fleet. We crossed over into a poorly defended section of the Federation border in order to test reports that the hated, interfering Organians have truly disappeared, and approached the massive ship under cloak. We followed standard procedures and made our first attack at point blank range. The monster's shields turned away our first volley, and we withdrew at maximum speed. Phaser fire and photon torpedoes almost disabled us, but I chose to make another pass at the Excelsior before considering withdrawing. Before we could recloak at a safe range, however, the heavy battlecruiser launched a plasma torpedo that smashed through our shields and began to buckle our hull. Before they went out, our sensors determined that the torpedo originated from Gorn technology. This is the first time that such a weapon had been used by such a ship, and hints at an alliance between the reptiles and the Federation. If this is true, we face a grave threat. I can only hope that this warning reaches Imperial Intelligence in time to do some good. Our ship is losing hull integrity, and I have just seconds to send this transmission. Repeating. Warship Log. IKS Goltlh'. Captain K'vak recording. I am--"
(Expand the following into a log entry of at least 100 words. Members post answers to the yahoogroup or the 'comment' feature on the blogsite. Lurkers feel free to leave comments on the blogsite)
"We're hoping the log will provide some answers"
What is Fantasy Trek?
Not Just a Game. It's a Star Trek Experience
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