Here are the combat logs and final map from my second run at the convoy raid. The Klingon heavy cruiser was doing fine until, at halfway across the map (based on a 50/50 chance dice roll) a Fed heavy cruiser showed up. The Klingon had already taken a bit of damage from the four freighters, and the long range and fire-every-turn phasers of the Fed CA overwhelmed it. I think the two heavy cruisers would have been pretty evenly matched without the damage done by four freighters with defensive phasers, and the shuttle played a big part in combat. It should be easy to adapt shuttle rules for fighters, and the carrier can then truly enter the picture. I'm also thinking of coming back to multilevel play, using convoys and carriers to establish line of sight and project power, with a carrier battle group on a sector-sized map (of, say, one major system and four or five smaller systems, and maybe an asteroid field or nebula as an obstacle). In fact, that could play into the storyline with a carrier battle group being assigned to clear a hostile corridor, or protect a base being established in border territory. The important thing is to balance the combat play with the storyline.
Just a note on the combat logs. It all looks a bit crazy, but it's all about movement, position, target, range, and dice roll. They take the place of a computer program by precisely mapping out and tracking the activity of everything on the map. I'd simplify it, but I think that precision, and the game itself would suffer at that point. I actually don't think that there is anything in the combat log that isn't self-explanatory. Ritta, would you mind looking through them and raising any questions? If you want. You don't have to. It's just that I'm afraid that it just makes sense to me because I made it up.... Thanks :)
A) Roll [9]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [1,1/Speed1]/[Target/Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
B) Roll [4]
B) Reaction Movement/Position [ 1,3 /Speed 1]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
B) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
B) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
C) Roll [11]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 3,3 /Speed 1]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
D) Roll [12]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 3,1 /Speed 1]/[Target /Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
E) Roll [2]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [ 1,17 /Speed 3]/[Target /Dest ,B ]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
Damage to A:
Damage to B:
Damage to C:
Damage to D:
Damage to E:
A) Roll [13]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 2,1 /Speed]/[Target/Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
B) Roll [10]
B) Reaction Movement/Position [ 2,3 /Speed ]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
B) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [10(5)ECM/]
B) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
C) Roll [10]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 4,3 /Speed ]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
D) Roll [14]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 4,1 /Speed ]/[Target /Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
E) Roll [10]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [ 1,14 /Speed3 ]/[Target B]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [8(4)ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [ / Launch shuttle x(1,14)]
Damage to A:
Damage to B:
Damage to C:
Damage to D:
Damage to E:
A) Roll [10]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 3,1 /Speed1]/[Target/Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
B) Roll [10]
B) Reaction Movement/Position [ 3,3 /Speed1]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
B) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [5ECM/10(5)ECM]
B) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
C) Roll [11]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 5,3 /Speed1 ]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
D) Roll [14]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 5,1 /Speed1 ]/[Target B/Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
E) Roll [5]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [ 1,11 /Speed 3]/[Target B/Range 9 ]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [4ECCM/2(1)ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [dis missed/pho hit 5(X2)/shuttle x(1,12)speed2]
Damage to A:
Damage to B: 5/15 star shields
Damage to C:
Damage to D:
Damage to E:
A) Roll [7]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 4,1 /Speed 1]/[Target/Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
B) Roll [8]
B) Reaction Movement/Position [ 4,3 /Speed 1]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
B) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM 8(4)]
B) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
C) Roll [12]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 6,3 /Speed 1]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
D) Roll [5]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 6,1 /Speed ]/[Target /Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
E) Roll [8]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [ 1,8 /Speed 3]/[Target B/Range 6 ]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECCM 6(3)]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [shuttle x(1,10)speed2]
Damage to A:
Damage to B: 5/15 star shield
Damage to C:
Damage to D:
Damage to E:
A) Roll [12]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 5,1 /Speed 1]/[Target/Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
B) Roll [14]
B) Reaction Movement/Position [ 5,3 /Speed 1]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
B) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [4ECM/14(7) ECM]
B) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
C) Roll [13]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 7,3 /Speed 1]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
D) Roll [11]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 7,1 /Speed 1]/[Target /Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
E) Roll [8]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [ 1,5 /Speed 3]/[Target B /Range 5]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [3ECCM/6(3)ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [pho2(X4)shuttlex(1,8)speed2]
Damage to A:
Damage to B: 8/15 star shield
Damage to C:
Damage to D:
Damage to E:
A) Roll [10]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 6,1 /Speed1]/[Target/Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
B) Roll [7]
B) Reaction Movement/Position [ 6,3 /Speed ]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
B) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [7(3)ECM/ECCM]
B) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
C) Roll [12]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 8,3 /Speed ]/[Target /Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
D) Roll [10]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 8,1 /Speed ]/[Target /Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons []
E) Roll [8]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [2,3 /Speed 3]/[Target B /Range 4]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [dis3(x4)shuttlex(1,6)speed2 def. Phas 5(x.5)]
Damage to A:
Damage to B: 11/15 aft shields 8/15 aft shields
Damage to C:
Damage to D:
Damage to E:
A) Roll [14]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 7,1 /Speed1]/[Target E range 2/Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas 1(x3)]
B) Roll [14]
B) Reaction Movement/Position [ 7,3 /Speed ]/[Target E range 2/Dest 21,3 ]
B) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [13(6)ECM/ECCM]
B) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas 2(x3)]
C) Roll [8]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 9,3 /Speed ]/[Target E range 4/Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas 6(x1)]
D) Roll [11]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 9,1 /Speed ]/[Target E range 4/Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas 3(x1)]
E) Roll [7]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [5,3 /Speed 3]/[Target B /Range 3]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [6(3)ECM/ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [pho 8(x5)shuttlex(1,6)speed2 def phas (1x1)]
Damage to A:
Damage to B: 29 pts 15/15 aft shields 8/15 aft shields 2/2 aft hull Freighter B destroyed
Damage to C:
Damage to D:
Damage to E: 6/27 port shields 9/28 fore shields
A) Roll [8]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 8,1 /Speed1]/[Target E range /Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [6(3)ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (2x3)E Port]
C) Roll [10]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 10,3 /Speed ]/[Target E range /Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [8(4)ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (1x3) E Forward]
D) Roll [7]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 10,1 /Speed ]/[Target E range /Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [6(3)ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (1x3)E Forward]
E) Roll [12]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [7,3 /Speed 3]/[Target /Range ]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [6(3)Renforce Forward/6(3)Reinforce Port]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [(x)shuttlex(4,4)speed2 def phas (1x4)A Aft]
Damage to A: 4/15 Aft shields
Damage to C:
Damage to D:
Damage to E: 9/27 port shields 12/28 fore shields
A) Roll [8]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 9,1 /Speed1]/[Target E range 4 /Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [6(3)ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (4x1)E Port]
C) Roll [5]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 11,3 /Speed ]/[Target E range 2 /Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [4(2)ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (1x3) E Forward]
D) Roll [5]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 11,1 /Speed ]/[Target E range 4/Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [4(2)ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (6x1)E Port]
E) Roll [9]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [10,5 /Speed 3]/[Target C Starboard/Range 4]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce8(4) Port/ECM/ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [photon(4x4)shuttlex(6,4)speed2 target A Aft range 3 def phas (2x2)]
Damage to A: 1/15 Aft shields
Damage to C: 14/15 Starboard shields
Damage to D:
Damage to E: 18/27 port shields 12/28 fore shields
A) Roll [10]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 10,1 /Speed1]/[Target E range 5/Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [()ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (6x.5) 3 E Port ]
C) Roll [12]
C) Reaction Movement/Position [ 12,3 /Speed ]/[Target E range 3/Dest 21,3 ]
C) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [()ECM/ECCM]
C) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (3x2) 6 E Port]
D) Roll [9]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 12,1 /Speed ]/[Target E range 5/Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [()ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (1x.5) 0 E Port]
E) Roll [7]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [13,5 /Speed 2]/[Target C Starboard/Range 3]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce /ECM6(3)/ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [(dis6x8)shuttlex(8,6)speed2 target C Aft range 4 def phas (4x)]
Damage to A: 1/15 Aft shields
Damage to C: Destroyed
Damage to D:
Damage to E: 24/27 port shields 12/28 fore shields
A) Roll [5]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 11,1 /Speed1]/[Target Shuttle x range3 /Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [4(2)ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (6x2) ]
D) Roll [10]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 13,1 /Speed 1]/[Target E Aft range 2/Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [8(4)ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (4x3)]
E) Roll [5]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [15,3 /Speed ]/[Target D Fore/Range 2]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce /ECM4(2)/ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [photon(6x2)shuttlex(10,4)speed2 target A range3 def phas (4x2)]
F) Roll [5]
F) Reaction Movement/Position [1,12 /Speed 5]/[Target /Range ]
F) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce /ECM()/ECCM]
F) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [(x)shuttlez(,)speed target range (x)]
Damage to A: 1/15 Aft shields
Damage to x: 12/15
Damage to D: 8/15 Fore shields
Damage to E: 24/27 port shields 12/28 fore shields 10/21 Aft shields
Damage to F:
A) Roll [5]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 12,1 /Speed1]/[Target Shuttle x range 1/Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [4(2)ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (4x4) ]
D) Roll [5]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 14,1 /Speed1]/[Target E Aft range3 /Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [()ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (5x2)]
E) Roll [7]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [17,1 /Speed ]/[Target D Fore/Range ]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce /ECM6(3)/ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [(x)shuttlex(12,2)speed2 target A starboard range 1 def phas (6x4)]
F) Roll [10]
F) Reaction Movement/Position [6,7 /Speed 5]/[Target shuttlex/Range6 ]
F) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce /ECM8(4)/ECCM]
F) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [(2x4)shuttlez(,)speed target range (x)]
Damage to A: 1/15 Aft shields 15/15 starboard shields 1/1 starboard hull 2/2 warp 1/1 impulse 2/2 sensors 1/1 bridge
Damage to x: destroyed
Damage to D: 8/15 Fore shields
Damage to E: 24/27 port shields 12/28 fore shields 17/21 Aft shields
Damage to F:
A) Roll [5]
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 12,1 /Speed1]/[Target range /Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [()ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (x)]
D) Roll [5]
D) Reaction Movement/Position [ 15,1 /Speed1]/[Target E Aft range 4/Dest 21,1 ]
D) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [4(2)ECM/ECCM]
D) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (6x1)]
E) Roll [8]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [19,4 /Speed ]/[Target D Fore/Range 4 ]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce starboard 6(3)/ECM()/ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [dis (6x4)photons(6x4)Launch shuttle y19,5]
F) Roll [10]
F) Reaction Movement/Position [6,7 /Speed 5]/[Target E starboard/Range 8 ]
F) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce /ECM()/ECCM]
F) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [phasers (9x2)/photons(6x2)shuttlez(,)speed target range (x)]
Damage to A: 1/15 Aft shields 15/15 starboard shields 1/1 starboard hull 2/2 warp 1/1 impulse 2/2 sensors 1/1 bridge
Damage to D: destroyed
Damage to E: 24/27 port shields 12/28 fore shields 21/21 Aft shields 2/2 aft hull 23/27 starboard shields
Damage to F:
A) Roll []
A) Reaction Movement/Position [ 12,1 /Speed1]/[Target range /Dest 21,1 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [()ECM/ECCM]
A) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [def phas (x)]
E) Roll [10]
E) Reaction Movement/Position [, /Speed 3]/[Target D Fore/Range ]
E) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce Fore 10(5)/ECM()/ECCM]
E) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [ (x)photons(x)shuttle y19,4 speed 2 target F fore defensive phasers (6x2)]
F) Roll [9]
F) Reaction Movement/Position [16,2 /Speed 5]/[Target E Fore/Range 5 ]
F) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields [Reinforce /ECM()/ECCM]
F) Target Selection (General or Specific) Fire weapons [phasers (9x5)/photons(x) launch shuttlez 16,2 speed 2 target shuttle y range 3 (1x2)]
Damage to A: 1/15 Aft shields 15.15 starboard shields 1/1 starboard hull 2/2 warp 1/1 impulse 2/2 sensors 1/1 bridge
Damage to E: 24/27 port shields 28/28 fore shields 21/21 Aft shields 2/2 aft hull 23/27 starboard shields 4/4 fore hull 2/2 fire control 1/1 bridge 1/1 aux bridge 3/4 Armor 2/2 Cloak 1/2 Disruptors 1/1 sensors 2/2 Impulse 2/2 Shuttle Bays 4/4 batteries 4/4 warp 1/2 photons
Damage to F: 12/21 Fore shields
Damage to y: 2/15
Damage to z:
Convoy successfully disrupted, with loss of three out of four freighters. Attacking ship self-destructed to avoid capture. Enemy shuttle captured.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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