Friday, July 9, 2010

Head to Head Sector Assault Turn Logs Stardate 0710.09

Klingons March to Victory! Death Blow for the Federation?

On Turn 17, both sides encounter their first enemy convoy, vitally important
to the war effort, because it degrades the enemy's ability to attack fleets
and installations. The Klingons dealt very easily with the Federation
convoy, destroying it, and giving the Feds a random fleet disadvantage
of -1. The.Feds ran into more trouble. The Klingon convoy leader sacrificed
the freighters (which would have been lost anyway) to distract the
attackers, and destroyed three of the Federation ships, the USS Norfolk, USS
John Quincy Adams and FCA USS Jefferson. The Klingon convoy was destroyed,
resulting in a random fleet disadvantage of -1, but the Fed fleet suffered a
potentially crippling blow. The remaining elements of the Second Federation
Fleet, USS Washington, USS Independence and USS Montgomery made it to System
4... only to be destroyed by five randomly generated Klingon ships in. Bad
business for the Feds, because now the Klingons can build up System 4 and
mass for an attack on the Fed asteroid base in System 5. So the end may be
in sight for the Feds, unless they get lucky with random fleets.
Things went far less disastrously for the Second Klingon Fleet. They found a
black hole accretion disc in System 2. There they ancountered two random
attacking Feds, the USS Whiley and USS Ratchett. Before anyone got sucked
into the black hole, the Klingons destroyed the two Feds and moved on
(obviously there are no shipyards built in black hole accretion discs), So
here is the situation: In System 5, USS Alexander Hamilton and USS Benjamin
Harrison are on station with FSY1. They are in the middle of a heavy
asteroid field which helps. There are five Klingon heavy cruisers in System
Four that may build up and mass and wait for the Klingon Second Fleet (which
is in System Two). That will give the Feds plenty of time to rebuild, but
they could conceivably end up facing twelve Klingons. That should be the
final battle. Here are the two rather pivotal turn logs:

System 1 (nebula): KCA IKS KetaH on station KSY1 construct KCA IKS IwtuQ
turn 2/3: Contact: 3 FCA's. KCA IKS KetaH KSY1 vs FCA USS Karzai FCA USS
Bremmer FCA USS Acquino. FCA USS Karzai FCA USS Bremmer FCA USS Acquino
destroyed. Klingons undamaged.

Open Space (From System 1-2) KF2 (KCA IKS LoS KCA IKS TlhuHu KCA IKS QaHom
KCA IKS QultuH KCA IKS ej'wo KCA IKS ToQ) search for Fed convoy Contact:
Ffr1-5 w/2 FCA's. KCA IKS LoS KCA IKS TlhuHu KCA IKS QaHom KCA IKS QultuH
KCA IKS ej'wo KCA IKS ToQ vs Ffr1-5 FCA USS 1,2 *won toss. Ffr1-5 FCA USS
1,2 destroyed. Klingons undamaged. Fed Random Fleet Disadvantage now at -1.
KF2 Departs for System 2.

System 5 (asteroid field/heavy): FCA USS Alexander Hamilton on station. FSY1
construct FCA USS Benjamin Harrison turn 2/3 contact? No contact.

Open Space (From System 5-4) FF2 (FCA USS Washington FCA USS Jefferson FCA
USS Independence FCA USS Montgomery FCA USS Norfolk FCA USS John Quincy
Adams) search for Klingon convoy Contact: Contact: Kfr1-5 w/2 KCA's. FCA USS
Washington FCA USS Jefferson FCA USS Independence FCA USS Montgomery FCA USS
Norfolk FCA USS John Quincy Adams vs Kfr1-5, KCA IKS 1,2.*won toss. Kfr1-5,
KCA IKS 1,2 destroyed. USS Norfolk FCA USS John Quincy Adams FCA USS
Jefferson destroyed. FCA USS Washington FCA USS Independence FCA USS
Montgomery undamaged. Klingon Random Fleet Disadvantage now at -1. FF2
departs for System 4.

Turn 18)
System 1 (nebula): KCA IKS KetaH on station KSY1 construct KCA IKS IwtuQ
turn 3/3: Contact: 3 FCA's *won toss. KCA IKS KetaH KSY1 vs FCA USS Antares
FCA USS Procyon FCA USS Infininatum. FCA USS Antares FCA USS Procyon FCA USS
Infininatum destroyed. Klingons undamaged.

System 2 (black hole accretion disc) KF2 (KCA IKS LoS KCA IKS TlhuHu KCA IKS
QaHom KCA IKS QultuH KCA IKS ej'wo KCA IKS ToQ) arrives. Contact: 2
IKS ej'wo KCA IKS ToQ vs FCA USS Whiley FCA USS Ratchett. FCA USS Whiley FCA
USS Ratchett destroyed. Klingons undamaged.KF2 (KCA IKS LoS KCA IKS TlhuHu
KCA IKS QaHom KCA IKS QultuH KCA IKS ej'wo KCA IKS ToQ) depart for open

System 5 (asteroid field/heavy): FCA USS Alexander Hamilton on station. FSY1
construct FCA USS Benjamin Harrison turn 3/3 contact? Contact: 4 KCA's.*won
toss FCA USS Alexander Hamilton FSY1 vs KCA IKS A'Qim KCA IKS IntoQ KCA IKS
Chetlhu' destroyed. Feds undamaged.

System 4 (nebula) FF2 (FCA USS Washington FCA USS Independence FCA USS
Montgomery) arrives. Contact: 5 KCA's *lost toss FCA USS Washington FCA USS
Independence FCA USS Montgomery vs KCA IKS Wa KCA IKS Cha KCA IKS Wej KCA
IKS Qeng KCA IKS Shod. FCA USS Washington FCA USS Independence FCA USS
Montgomery destroyed. Klingons undamaged.

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